Meet Our People

NIH Hematology Oncology fellows can work with more than 100 laboratories and clinical research groups at the NIH, many led by principal investigators who have achieved international recognition. Our leadership and faculty include inspiring and award-winning clinician-researchers

From left to right: George Lindsay, Dr. Danielle Pastor, Elizabeth Hedstrom, Dr. Jennifer Kanakry, Dr. Kamil Rechache, Dr. Kathyrn Lurain, Dr. Christopher Pleyer, and Kellyn Betts
From left to right: George Lindsay, Dr. Danielle Pastor, Elizabeth Hedstrom, Dr. Jennifer Kanakry, Dr. Kamil Rechache, Dr. Kathyrn Lurain, Dr. Christopher Pleyer, and Kellyn Betts. (Not shown: Dr. Stacey Doran, Saleema Osman, and Dr. Laura Samples)
2024 Heme Onc Fellowship chiefs
Fellowship Chiefs, from left to right: Drs. Maggie Pruitt, Anna-Lena Meinhardt, Disha Dalela, and Raissa Kentsa. 

Program Leadership

Jennifer Kanakry, M.D.Outgoing Program DirectorHematology
Kathryn Lurain, M.D., M.P.H.Associate Program Director for Hematologic Malignancies Hematology/ Oncology
Christopher Pleyer, M.D.Interim Program DirectorHematology/ Oncology
Kamil Rechache, M.D.Associate Program Director for Cellular TherapiesHematology/ Oncology
Stacey Doran, M.D.Associate Program Director for Medical OncologyMedical Oncology
Laura SamplesAssociate Program Director for HematologyHematology/
Disha Dalela, M.D.Senior Chief FellowHematology/ Oncology
Raissa Kentsa, M.D.Senor Chief FellowHematology/ Oncology
Anna Meinhardt, M.D.Assistant Chief FellowHematology/ Oncology
Maggie Pruitt, M.D., Ph.D.Assistant Chief FellowHematology/ Oncology
Kellyn BettsProgram Coordinator, NCI 
George LindsayProgram Coordinator, NHLBI 
Saleema OsmanFellowship Clinic Coordinator, NCI 

Program Faculty

NCI Faculty


NHLBI Faculty

Hematology Branch
Hematopoiesis and Bone Marrow Failure
Neal Young, M.D.
Emma Groarke, M.D.
Bhavisha Patel, M.D.

Lymphoid Malignancies
Adrian Wiestner, M.D., Ph.D.* 
Christopher Pleyer, M.D.*
Andy Itsara, M.D.*
Clare Sun, M.D.*

Myeloid Malignancies
Christopher Hourigan, M.D., D.Phil*

Regenerative Therapies for Inherited Blood Disorders
Andre Larochelle, M.D., Ph.D.*
Daisuke Araki, M.D.*

Translational Stem Cell Biology Branch
Cynthia Dunbar, M.D. 
David Young, M.D.
Stefan Cordes, M.D., Ph.D.*

Cellular and Molecular Therapeutics Branch
John Tisdale, M.D.*
Courtney Fitzhugh, M.D.*
Emily Limerick, M.D.
Matthew Hsieh, M.D.*
Richard Childs, M.D.*
Georg Aue, M.D., Ph.D.*
Andre Larochelle, M.D., Ph.D.

Sickle Cell Branch
Swee Lay Thein, M.B., B.S., D.Sc 
Arun Shet, M.D.
Dina Parekh, M.D.

Hematology Consults & Graduate Medical Education Section
Charles Bolan, M.D.
Shelley Kalsi, M.D.
Christopher Pleyer, M.D.
Charles Hesdorffer, M.D.

*Alumna/alumnus of the NIH Hematology Oncology Fellowship program, the Medical Oncology Fellowship Program or the Hematology Fellowship Program.