
News and Events

Liver cancer may unexpectedly be influenced by platelets

Platelets have long been associated with more aggressive cancers; however, new results show that these cell fragments release molecules with anti-tumor properties against liver cancer, reducing tumor burden in mice. The results provide detailed insights into the mysterious role of platelets in cancer progression.

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Aligned Blog: Reconciliation: Two Days of Freedom

A few weeks ago, many across the U.S. celebrated Independence Day, but for some Americans, the 4th of July is a complicated day that represents neither freedom nor independence. What does the legacy of Independence Day mean for different communities and how might we also use the day as a moment of reflection?

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Study finds that enzyme can disentangle strands of DNA and RNA

R-loops are three-stranded hybrid structures of DNA and RNA that play important regulatory functions in cells. Tangled R-loops can cause a number of issues in the genome and subsequently affect people’s health. CCR researchers have uncovered the mechanisms that the enzyme topoisomerase 3B uses to disentangle problematic R-loops.

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