
Our Discoveries

Embryonic stem cells have their own strategy for protecting chromosome ends

According to new research from CCR scientists, embryonic stem cells have a unique way of protecting their telomeres, the structures at the ends of chromosomes that shorten with every cell division. Understanding it could help explain how some cancer cells circumvent the growth limits imposed by the natural shortening of telomeres that occurs as we age.

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Japan approves photoimmunotherapy for head and neck cancer

Promising clinical trials have led to the regulatory approval of the Bioblade® Laser System and Akalux® IV Infusion 250mg in Japan. This device and drug combination was developed under an investigational treatment platform based on a cancer therapy called photoimmunotherapy.

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Innovative imaging tools reveal how neutrophils fight inflammation in mice

CCR researchers used state-of-the-art imaging techniques to observe, in real time, the path neutrophils take as they move toward a site of inflammation in a mouse model. The images showed the neutrophils leaving the blood vessels and engaging with bacteria that had been introduced into the mouse’s footpad. These observations led to the team’s discovery that the leukocyte LTB4 directs the recruitment, engagement, and penetration of neutrophils into inflamed tissues.

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