
Clinical Trials

Clinical trial tests vaccine for late-stage HPV-linked tumors

The human papillomavirus (HPV) has been linked to many kinds of cancer, including cervical, uterine, vaginal, penile and oropharyngeal. For those who develop advanced HPV-linked cancer, the NIH Clinical Center has a clinical trial open to test a vaccine with and without checkpoint inhibitors to see if this treatment approach can stop tumor growth.

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Lymphoma therapy drug tested as early treatment for chronic graft-versus-host disease

cGvHD can occur after a person has had a stem cell or bone marrow transplant. In some cases, the donated bone marrow/stem cells view the host's body as foreign and start to attack it. cGvHD can occur at any time after a transplant, but it's more common after the marrow/stem cells have created a new immune system in the host's body. A clinical trial is studying the lymphoma therapy drug ibrutinib to see if early treatment can prevent the most severe symptoms of cGvHD.

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Combination therapy for solid tumors and small-cell cancers studied in new clinical trial

A clinical trial of a drug combination to treat solid tumors and small-cell cancers is being conducted at the NIH Clinical Center. PARP inhibitors can work better when combined with chemotherapy, such combinations can be too toxic, so this study uses a new kind of chemotherapy called PLX038 and combines it with a PARP inhibitor rucaparib to see if the combination of PLX038 and rucaparib can safely shrink solid tumors and small-cell cancers.

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Clinical trial studies combination immunotherapy for colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer (CRC) affects the colon and rectum, which are located at the lower end of the digestive tract. One of the most common cancers, it often spreads to the liver. Because treatments that aim to use the patient’s own immune system to attack mCRC have not been very successful so far, investigators are leading a study that combines two different types of immunotherapy to see if one can enhance the effect of the other.

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