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Erik Cazares received his B.S. in Biological Sciences with a concentration in Biochemistry, Cellular, & Molecular Biology at The University of Tennessee: Knoxville. During his undergraduate studies he was a research assistant in Dr. Elena D Shpak’s Plant Developmental Biology lab, where he worked on carrying out an enhancer forward genetic screen aiming to discover novel genes integral for the presice intiation of leaves and cotyledons within the developing plant: Arabidopsis Thaliana. After graduating, he joined the lab of Dr. Erin Davies at NCI as a CRTA postbaccalaureate fellow, where he is working on the establishment and fine-tuning of the laboratory's first colorimetric whole-mount in-situ hybridization protocol, tailored specifically for the recently discovered Macrostomum Lignano organism. In the future, he plans to study medicine and pursue an M.D degree.