
Frank  Maldarelli, M.D., Ph.D.

Frank Maldarelli, M.D., Ph.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute
Head, Clinical Retrovirology Section


Dr. Maldarelli heads the Clinical Retrovirology Section, which develops and implements clinical protocols to elucidate mechanisms underlying the emergence of HIV drug resistance in vivo, the dynamics of infection under treatment, and the role of resistance mutations in the efficacy and failure of subsequent treatments.  Representing the clinical research arm of the HIV Dynamics and Replication Program (HIV DRP), Dr. Maldarelli is an Attending Physician in the NIH NIAID/CCMD HIV Clinic and has established extensive collaborations between the HIV DRP in Frederick and both the NCI HIV and AIDS Malignancy Branch and the NIAID HIV clinical research program in Bethesda.

Areas of Expertise

Clinical Research
HIV Drug Resistance
Antiretroviral Therapy


Selected Key Publications

Dynamic shifts in the HIV proviral landscape during long term combination antiretroviral therapy: Implications for persistence and control of HIV infections

Anderson EM, Simonetti FR, Gorelick RJ, Hill S, Gouzoulis MA, Bell J, Rehm C, Pérez L, Boritz E, Wu X, Wells D, Hughes SH, Rao V, Coffin JM, Kearney MF, Maldarelli F
Viruses. 12: 136, 2020. [ Journal Article ]

Combined HIV-1 sequence and integration site analysis informs viral dynamics and allows reconstruction of replicating viral ancestors

Patro SC, Brandt LD, Bale MJ, Halvas EK, Joseph KW, Shao W, Wu X, Guo S, Murrell B, Wiegand A, Spindler J, Raley C, Hautman C, Sobolewski M, Fennessey CM, Hu WS, Luke B, Hasson JM, Niyongabo A, Capoferri AA, Keele BF, Milush J, Hoh R, Deeks SG, Maldarelli F, Hughes SH, Coffin JM, Rausch JW, Mellors JW, Kearney MF
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 116(51): 25891-99, 2019. [ Journal Article ]

No evidence of ongoing HIV replication or compartmentalization in tissues during combination antiretroviral therapy: Implications for HIV eradication

Bozzi G, Simonetti FR, Watters SA, Anderson EM, Gouzoulis M, Kearney MF, Rote P, Lange C, Shao W, Gorelick R, Fullmer B, Kumar S, Wank S, Hewitt S, Kleiner DE, Hattori J, Bale MJ, Hill S, Bell J, Rehm C, Grossman Z, Yarchoan R, Uldrick T, Maldarelli F
Sci Adv. 5(9): eaav2045, 2019. [ Journal Article ]

Clonally expanded CD4+ T cells can produce infectious HIV-1 in vivo

Simonetti FR, Sobolewski MD, Fyne E, Shao W, Spindler J, Hattori J, Anderson EM, Watters SA, Hill S, Wu X, Wells D, Su L, Luke BT, Halvas EK, Besson G, Penrose KJ, Yang Z, Kwan RW, Van Waes C, Uldrick T, Citrin DE, Kovacs J, Polis MA, Rehm CA, Gorelick R, Piatak M, Keele BF, Kearney MF, Coffin JM, Hughes SH, Mellors JW, Maldarelli F
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 113: 1883-8, 2016. [ Journal Article ]

HIV latency. Specific HIV integration sites are linked to clonal expansion and persistence of infected cells

Maldarelli F, Wu X, Su L, Simonetti FR, Shao W, Hill S, Spindler J, Ferris AL, Mellors JW, Kearney MF, Coffin JM, Hughes SH
Science. 345: 179-83, 2014. [ Journal Article ]

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Photo of Adam
Special Volunteer
Matthew Adan, M.D
Advanced Practice Nurse
Jessica Earhart, M.S.N.L.M., B.S.
Special Volunteer
Kristi Huik, Ph.D.
Photo of Guanhan Li
Scientist 17 (contractor)
Guanhan Li, Ph.D.
Photo of Feng Li
Research Fellow
Feng Li, Ph.D.
Special Volunteer
Long Li
Photo of Luke Kelley
Postbacccalaureate Fellow
Luke Kelley, B.S.
Photo of Thuy
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Thuy Nguyen, Ph.D.
Photo of Afra
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Afra Rahman, B.S.
Photo of Nina
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Nina Sharma, B.S.
Photo of Pia
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Pia Gabrielle Gorme, B.S., MPH


Keynote Speaker Frank Maldarelli at World AIDS Day 2024

Frank Maldarelli - keynote speaker at World AIDS Day 2024 "Ending the HIV Epidemic: Progress, Obstacles, and Unshakable Commitment". Available to watch here.

Maria Nikolaitchik and Frank Maldarelli publishes in mBio

In collaboration with Wei-Shau Hu's lab, Maria Nikolaitchik and Frank Maldarelli publish in the journal mBio, showing HIV-1 transcription start sites usage and its impact on unspliced RNA functions in people living with HIV (2024). This work was also done in collaboration with Vinay Pathak and Robert Gorelick (FNL).

Frank Maldarelli delivers a talk at Malcolm A. Martin's Retirement Symposium 2024

Frank Maldarelli delivered a talk celebrating Malcolm A. Martins's sixty yeats of virus research. Available to watch here.

Poster Presentation at the NIH HIV Structural Biology Meeting 2024

Feng Li (post-doc) presented a poster at the 2024 HIV Structural Biology Meeting at NIH-Bethesda. A VideoCast is available here.

Maldarelli lab at CSHL Retrovirology Meeting 2024

Annemarie Glassey (post bac) and CY Lau (associate research physician) gave oral presentations at the 2024 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Retrovirology Meeting.

Members of the HIV DRP Maldarelli lab at CSHL 2024

Photo of Maldarelli lab (with others) at CSHL.

Intramural AIDS Research Fellowships

Intramural AIDS Research Fellowship (IARF) awards from the Office of AIDS Research, Office of Intramural Research, and Office of Intramural Research & Training in the National Institutes of Health include full stipend support to successful candidates who demonstrate outstanding scientific potential through both an imaginative and thoughtful research plan and a well thought out career development plan.

Thuy Nguyen received an IARF award in 2024 to support her research project.

New Investigator Scholarships, Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections

Annemarie Glassey was awarded a New Investigator Scholarship to present her research findings at the 2024 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI).   Additional members of the Maldarelli presented their posters; Feng Li, Thuy Nguyen and Chuen-Yen Lau.

CROI scholarship awardees in previous years include Kristi Huik (2020), Elizabeth Anderson (2018) and Camille Lange (2018, 2017), Sarah Watters (2015), and Francesco Simonetti (2014).

Travel Award, Fall HIV/AIDS & Cancer Virology Think Tank Meeting

Chuen-Yen Lau won a $1000 travel award for her outstanding talk at the 2022 Fall HIV/AIDS & Cancer Virology Think Tank Meeting.  This annual Think Tank meeting on the NIH-Bethesda campus provides a venue for students, postdoctoral fellows, and staff scientists to present emerging work and hypotheses in the field of cancer virology.  The Think Tank travel awards are provided by the Center of Excellence in HIV/AIDS & Cancer Virology, Center for Cancer Research, NCI.

Previous winnner from the Maldarelli lab include: Paula Rote (2017)


Lindsey Adams, B.S.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Shiva Ambardar
Special Volunteer
Elizabeth Anderson, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Himanshu Batra, Ph.D.
Special Volunteer
Jennifer Bell, R.N., B.S., C.C.R.C,
Protocol Coordinator
Giorgio Bozzi, M.D.
Infectious Disease Fellow
Margaret Caplan, M.D.
Special Volunteer
Karoll Cortez, M.D.
Staff Clinician
Francesca Cossarini, M.D.
Infectious Disease Fellow
Kristen Danley, M.D.
Summer Student
Sophie Dean
2014 and 2015
Summer Student
Gabriella Diaz, R.N., B.S.N.
Study Coordinator
Annemarie Glassey, B.S.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Monica Gouzoulis, B.S.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Zehava Grossman, Ph.D.
Junko Hattori, Ph.D.
Research Fellow
Shawn Hill, M.S., M.B.A.
Research Biologist
Kristen Kent, B.S.
Summer Student
Mahathir Khan
Summer Student
Danielle Konlian, B.S.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Daniel Kordella, M.S.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Laure Kouyoudjian, P.A.C.
Physician Assistant
Nicholas Kovacs, Ph.D.
2012 and 2013
Summer Student
Natalie Lindo, B.S.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Camille Lange, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Erin Madeen, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow (Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program)
Dorcas Nalisi, B.S.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Charmaine Peters, M.D.
Special Volunteer
Phuong Pham, B.S.
Summer Student
Carrie Poethke, D.O.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Paula Rote, M.D.
M.D. Student
Ariana Savramis, B.A.
Summer Student
Francesco Simonetti, M.D.
Infectious Disease Fellow
Rhoda Smith, R.N.
Summer Student
Tiffany Tanzosh, B.S.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
James Virga, B.S.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Sarah Watters, Ph.D.
Predoctoral Fellow
Eleanor Wilson, M.H.S., M.D.
Infectious Disease Fellow
William Yang
Special Volunteer
Mary-Elizabeth Zipparo, B.S.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Clinical Trials

  • Open - Not yet Recruiting
    Summary Not Yet Available. Call Referral Contact.

    Secondary Use Protocol for Analysis of 18F-FDG Uptake in Positron Emission Tomography

    Protocol ID