Project EVOLVE: Evaluation of Lineage Switch: An International Initiative

About Project EVOLVE: Evaluation of Lineage Switch: An International Initiative

Our team is interested in investigating the diagnostic approach to and treatment of lineage switch (LS) (defined as B-ALL -->  AML) that develops after receiving immunotherapy. While lineage switch is an established entity in the pre-immunotherapy era and has been previously described in the setting of KMT2Ar ALL (infant ALL); the current emergence of lineage switch is neither restricted to KMTA2r nor completely described—beyond isolated case reports. Given that recent literature has suggested that these patients have particularly poor outcomes, we are interested in understanding the following:

  1. How is LS identified/diagnosed? (and as differentiated from a secondary/treatment-related AML)
  2. What are current treatment approaches to LS and associated outcomes?

To study LS, we have developed a deidentified data collection form to capture information on patients with LS. This project has been deemed as IRB exempt based on review at the National Institutes of Health.

If your team has diagnosed or treated a patient with LS following immunotherapy, please consider sharing your experience. Your participation in this effort is the first step to creating a more unified field and developing a better understanding of how to care for patients who develop LS in the future.

Black and white photograph of a young man, named Caleb, smiling.
This study was inspired by our patients, such as Caleb, who have suffered from Lineage Switch.

For more information please contact:

Study Team