
Ping Zhang, Ph.D.

Ping Zhang, Ph.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute
Stadtman Investigator
Center for Structural Biology
Head, Kinase Complexes Section


Dr. Zhang is a structural biologist investigating the molecular mechanisms the of kinase signaling complexes in human health and disease states. Her laboratory applies cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), X-ray crystallography, and various biochemical and biophysical approaches to uncover the structure and regulation of biological kinase assemblies. Her research has provided structural and molecular mechanisms of a protein kinase A (PKA) fusion J-PKAcα that drives Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma. Moreover, her recent work has shed light on the structural aspects of how RAS binding facilitates the transition of the full-length BRAF monomer to a dimeric form. Ongoing research in her lab is further focused on understanding the structure and mechanisms of leucine-rich repeat kinases. Dr. Zhang’s research program aims to provide fundamental scientific knowledge that can ultimately contribute to the development of new therapeutic strategies.

Areas of Expertise

Protein Kinases
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Cryo-Electron Microscopy
X-Ray Crystallography


Selected Recent Publications

Structure and regulation of full-length human leucine-rich repeat kinase 1

Riley D Metcalfe, Juliana A Martinez Fiesco, Luis Bonet-Ponce, Jillian H Kluss, Mark R Cookson, Ping Zhang
Nat Commun. 2023.
Full-Text Article
[ Journal Article ]

Biochemical Discovery, Intracellular Evaluation, and Crystallographic Characterization of Synthetic and Natural Product Adenosine 3′,5′-Cyclic Monophosphate-Dependent Protein Kinase A (PKA) Inhibitors

Brice A. P. Wilson, Ning Li, Juliana A. Martinez Fiesco, Masoumeh Dalilian, Dongdong Wang, Emily A. Smith, Antony Wamiru, Rohan Shah, Ekaterina I. Goncharova, John A. Beutler, Tanja Grkovic, Ping Zhang, and Barry R. O’Keefe
ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci. 2023.
Full-Text Article
[ Journal Article ]

Structural insights into the BRAF monomer-to-dimer transition mediated by RAS binding

Martinez Fiesco JA, Durrant DE, Morrison DK, Zhang P.
Nat Commun. 13(1):486., 2022.
Full-Text Article
[ Journal Article ]

Structures of the PKA RIα Holoenzyme with the FLHCC Driver J-PKAcα or Wild-Type PKAcα

Cao B, Lu TW, Martinez Fiesco JA, Tomasini M, Fan L, Simon SM, Taylor SS, Zhang P.
Structure. 27(5): 816-28, 2019. [ Journal Article ]

Atomic Resolution cryo-EM Structure of a Native-Like CENP-A Nucleosome Aided by an Antibody Fragment

Zhou BR, Yadav KNS, Borgnia M, Hong J, Cao B, Olins AL, Olins DE, Bai Y, Zhang P.
Nat Commun. 10(1): 2301, 2019. [ Journal Article ]

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Photo of Juliana
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Juliana Andrea Martinez Fiesco, Ph.D.
Dr. Riley Metcalfe
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Miss Astrid Alvarez De La Cruz
Postbaccalaureate Fellow
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Postbaccalaureate Fellow
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Satish Yadav
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Baohua Cao
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Jeneffer England
Jeneffer England
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Ning Li
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Research Fellow
Neha Singaravelan
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Jacquelyn Cao
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