
Lawrence E. Samelson, M.D.

Lawrence E. Samelson, M.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute


Dr. Samelson and members of his laboratory have performed studies on the biochemistry and cell biology of the signal tranduction mechanisms coupled to the T cell antigen receptor. The role of protein tyrosine kinases, adapter molecules and molecular signaling complexes have been a central interest. As Chief, Dr. Samelson oversees a Laboratory whose members focus on various signal transduction systems and pathways.

Areas of Expertise

Lymphocyte Activation
T Cell Antigen Receptor Structure, Physiology and Ontogeny
Protein Kinases
Adapter Molecules


Selected Key Publications

The ability of Sos1 to oligomerize the adaptor protein LAT is separable from its guanine nucleotide exchange activity in vivo

Kortum RL, Balagopalan L, Alexander CP, Garcia J, Pinski JM, Merrill R, Nguyen PH, Li W, Agarwal I, Akpan IO, Sommers CL, and Samelson LE.
Science Signaling. 6(301): ra99, 2013. [ Journal Article ]

Microclusters as T cell signaling hubs: structure, kinetics and regulation

Balagopalan, L, Raychaudhuri, K., and Samelson, L.E.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.608530: 2021. [ Journal Article ]

Plasma membrane LAT recruitment precedes vesicular LAT recruitment to reveal two phases of early T cell activation.

Balagopalan, L., Yi, J., Nguyen, T., McIntire, K., Harned, A.S., Narayan, K., and, Samelson, L.E.
Nat. Commun. 9:2013:, 2018. [ Journal Article ]

Cooperative assembly of a four-molecule signaling complex formed upon T cell antigen receptor activation

Manna, A., Zhao, J., Wada, J., Balagopalan, L., Tagad, H.D., Appella, E., Schuck, P., and Samelson, L.E.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA ., 2018. [ Journal Article ]

TCR microclusters form spatially segregated domains and assemble in discrete, calcium-dependent kinetic steps

Yi, J., Balagopalan, L., Nguyen, T., McIntire, K.M., and Samelson, L.E.
Nat. Commun. 10:277:, 2019, 2019. [ Journal Article ]

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Research Biologist
Itoro Akpan
Staff Scientist
Hidehiro Yamane, Ph.D.
Special Volunteer
Valarie Barr, Ph.D.
Research Biologist
Wenmei Li, Ph.D.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow (CRTA)
Mariah Lee, Ph.D.
Research Fellow (Visiting)
Kumarkrishna Raychaudhuri, Ph.D.
Research Fellow (Visiting)
Junya Wada, Ph.D.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow (CRTA)
Neriah Alvinez
Postbaccalaureate Fellow (CRTA)
Taylor Moreno
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Udumbara Rathnayake, Ph.D.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow (CRTA)
Elena Wilson
Staff Scientist
Sandeep Pallikkuth, Ph.D.

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