
Kumaran Ramamurthi

Kumaran S. Ramamurthi, Ph.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute
Senior Investigator
Head, Cell Biology Section


Dr. Ramamurthi’s laboratory studies fundamental mechanisms that cells use to differentiate and divide in an effort to understand how these processes may go awry during disease. His lab focuses on how proteins localize to particular subcellular locations and how they subsequently assemble to form large structures during development and cell division. Recently, he discovered that the shape of cellular membranes, either convex or concave, may recruit certain membrane shape-sensing proteins to their correct destination, a novel mechanism for subcellular protein localization.

Areas of Expertise

Protein Trafficking
Cellular Differentiation
Cell Division


Selected Key Publications

PcdA promotes orthogonal division plane selection in Staphylococcus aureus

Ramos-León F, Anjuwon-Foster BR, Anantharaman V, Updegrove TB, Ferreira CN, Ibrahim AM, Tai C-H, Kruhlak MJ, Missiakas DM, Camberg JL, Aravind L, Ramamurthi KS
Nature Microbiology. 9(11): 2997-3012, 2024.
Full-Text Article
[ Journal Article ]

Altruistic feeding and cell-cell signaling during bacterial differentiation actively enhance phenotypic heterogeneity

Updegrove TB, Delerue T, Anantharaman V, Cho H, Chan C, Nipper T, Choo-Wosoba H, Jenkins LM, Zhang L, Su Y, Shroff H, Chen J, Bewley CA, Aravind L, Ramamurthi KS
Science Advances. 10(42): 2024.
Full-Text Article
[ Journal Article ]

Bacterial spore surface nanoenvironment requires a AAA+ ATPase to promote MurG function

Delerue T, Updegrove TB, Chareyre S, Anantharaman V, Gilmore MC, Jenkins LM, Popham DL, Cava F, Aravind L, Ramamurthi KS
Proc Natl Acad Sci. USA. 121(43): 2024.
Full-Text Article
[ Journal Article ]

Cell division machinery drives cell-specific gene activation during differentiation in Bacillus subtilis

Chareyre S, Li X, Anjuwon-Foster BR, Updegrove TB, Clifford S, Brogan AP, Su Y, Zhang L, Chen J, Shroff H, Ramamurthi KS
Proc Natl Acad Sci. 121(13): 2024.
Full-Text Article
[ Journal Article ]

Cell-specific cargo delivery using synthetic bacterial spores

Kong M, D’Atri D, Bilotta MT, Johnson B, Updegrove TB, Gallardo DL, Machinandiarena F, Wu I, Constantino MA, Hewitt SM, Tanner K, Fitzgerald DJ, Ramamurthi KS
Cell Reports. 42: 111955, 2023.
Full-Text Article
[ Journal Article ]

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Taylor Updegrove
Staff Scientist
Taylor Updegrove, Ph.D.
Felix Ramos-Leon
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Felix Ramos-Leon, Ph.D.
Domenoco D'Atri
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Domenico D’Atri , Ph.D.
Federico Machinandiarena
postdoctoral fellow
Federico Machinandiarena, Ph.D.
Vani Pande
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Vani Pande, Ph.D.
Zachory Park
Postdoctoral Fellow
Zachory Park, Ph.D.
Vilasini Gopal
Special Volunteer
Vilasini Gopal


Cell-specific cargo delivery using synthetic bacterial spores

Cell-specific cargo delivery using synthetic bacterial spores

Published Date

Kong et al. use synthetic bacterial spores, called “SSHELs,” that deliver doxorubicin to HER2-positive ovarian tumors. Target cells actively internalize bound SSHELs and traffic them to lysosomes, where the acidic pH liberates the drug. Depicted is a nautical interpretation of this interplay between ovarian cancer cells and SSHEL particles, wherein SSHELs (yellow) plunge into a wave, which represents the surface of a target cell undergoing macropinocytosis, to uptake the particles. Upon entry, SSHELs unleash the enclosed cargo (red) into the oceanic cytosol. Artwork by Erina He, NIH Medical Arts.


Kong M, D'Atri D, Bilotta MT, Johnson B, Updegrove TB, Gallardo DL, Machinandiarena F, Wu IL, Constantino MA, Hewitt SM, Tanner K, Fitzgerald DJ, Ramamurthi KS. Cell Rep. 2023 Jan 31;42(1):111955. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111955. Epub 2023 Jan 4.PMID: 36640333 

Cover page of Developmental Cell 2022 issue 57

Bacterial developmental checkpoint that directly monitors cell surface morphogenesis

Published Date

The bacterium Bacillus subtilis undergoing spore formation is depicted using toys. Membranes are depicted using marbles. The spore is encased in two concentric shells: an outer proteinaceous “coat” (green and red blocks) and a peptidoglycan “cortex” (orange dodecahedron). To learn more about how coat assembly is linked to cortex formation, see Delerue et al. (pp. 344–360). 


Delerue, T., Anantharaman, A., Gilmore, M.C., Popham, D.L., Cava, F., Aravind, L., and Ramamurthi, K.S. Bacterial developmental checkpoint that directly monitors cell surface morphogenesis Developmental Cell 2022; 57:344-360 <>

Cover of mBio, November 22, 2011

Cellular architecture mediates DivIVA ultrastructure and regulates min activity in Bacillus subtilis

Published Date

The Min system in rod-shaped bacteria restricts improper assembly of the division septum. In Escherichia coli, the Min system localizes to the cell poles, but in Bacillus subtilis, it is recruited to nascent cell division sites at mid-cell to prevent aberrant septation events immediately adjacent to a constricting septum. How does the cell spatially and temporally restrict the inhibitory activity of the Min system so that it does not interfere with normal cell division? This image reveals (using a super-resolution fluorescence microscopy technique called SIM) that the cell division protein DivIVA (green), which preferentially localizes to negatively curved membranes (red) and is responsible for recruitment of the Min system, localizes as double rings on either side of actively constricting septa and remains associated with mature septa after completion of cell division.

In the related article, the authors propose that DivIVA interprets membrane invagination as evidence of cell division and localizes to mid-cell only after the onset of membrane constriction. Additionally, the formation of two ring-shaped platforms on either side of the septum reveals a mechanism by which the inhibitory activity of the Min system is held away from a newly forming septum, while simultaneously inhibiting aberrant septation at sites immediately adjacent to mid-cell.


Cellular architecture mediates DivIVA ultrastructure and regulates min activity in Bacillus subtilis
Prahathees Eswaramoorthya, Marcella L. Erbb, James A. Gregoryb, Jared Silvermanc, Kit Poglianob, Joe Poglianob,  and Kumaran S. Ramamurthia. mBio 2(6):e00257–11, 2011.

aLaboratory of Molecular Biology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
bDivision of Biological Sciences, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA
cCubist Pharmaceuticals, Lexington, Massachusetts, USA