
Ferenc Livak, M.D.

Ferenc Livak, M.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute
Manager, Flow Cytometry Core


Dr. Livak has extensive experience in molecular and developmental immunology and has been using flow cytometry in his research for several decades. Dr. Livak performed independently funded research at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology of the University of Maryland in Baltimore where from 2009 he was also director of the Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center Flow Cytometry Shared Service. Dr. Livak’s combined experience in conducting basic research and in-depth understanding of technology allows him to provide expert support to all types of flow cytometry applications at the National Cancer Institute.

Areas of Expertise

Flow Cytometry
Molecular Biology
Cancer Biology

LGI Flow Cytometry Core

Accessible to CCR investigators, the Core offers full-scale, state-of-the-art flow cytometry services.
