
News Archive

Poster Awards, Spring Research Festival

Ahlam Majadly was awarded "Outstanding Poster—Infectious Pathogens and Epidemiology" for her presentation at the 2019 Spring Research Festival, which is sponsored by the National Cancer Institute at Frederick and the other eight agencies of the National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research.  Ahlam's presentation highlighted the research she conducted as a student trainee in the Freed Lab over the past year.  Other members of the Freed Lab who won poster awards at the Spring Research Festival in previous years include Maya Swiderski (2016), Megan Mounts (2014), Scott MacDonald (2013), Darren D'Souza (2012), and Nishani Kuruppu (2011).  All six of these award recipients were undergraduate students or Werner H. Kirsten student interns under the mentorship of Abdul Waheed.

Fellowship in the American Academy of Microbiology

Eric Freed was elected to Fellowship in the American Academy of Microbiology (AAM) in 2019.  AAM Fellows are recognized as distinguished scientists who are "elected through a highly selective, annual, peer review process, based on their records of scientific achievement and original contributions that have advanced microbiology....Each elected Fellow has built an exemplary career in basic and applied research, teaching, clinical and public health, industry or government service."

2018 KT Jeang Retrovirology Prize

Eric Freed was awarded the 2018 KT Jeang Retrovirology Prize.  This annual award recognizes mid-career investigators who have made outstanding contributions to the field of retrovirology.

NIH Postbac Poster Day Awards

Phuong Pham received an Outstanding Poster Award at the NIH Postbac Poster Day in 2018.  Her presentation on "Progress in Developing Broadly Active and Highly Potent HIV-1 Maturation Inhibitors" was recognized as one of the best among the 772 posters presented by the NIH postbacs this year.  Members of the Freed Lab who received Outstanding Poster Awards at the NIH Postbac Poster Day in previous years include Nishani Kuruppu and Justin Kaplan (2016).

Research Highlights Award at 2016 NCI Scientific Retreat

In 2016, Eric Freed received a Research Highlights Award for his presentation on "Development of Potent and Broadly Active HIV-1 Maturation Inhibitors" at the NCI Annual Intramural Scientific Retreat.

Sallie Rosen Kaplan Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women Scientists

Recipients of Sallie Rosen Kaplan Fellowships at the National Cancer Institute in 2015

Melissa Fernandez (2nd from right) was selected for the Sallie Rosen Kaplan (SRK) Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women Scientists at the National Cancer Institute in 2015.  The SRK Fellowship is a highly competitive annual program that provides additional mentoring opportunities, networking, seminars, and workshops to help prepare NCI’s female postdoctoral fellows for the competitive nature of the job market and help them to transition to independent research careers.  The highlight of this selective program is a 30-week course entitled "Career Building for Women in Science," which includes two day-long workshops.  The SRK Fellowship also includes mentoring opportunities with successful women scientists from government, industry, and academia.

Recipients of Sallie Rosen Kaplan Fellowships at the National Cancer Institute in 2014

Rachel Van Duyne and Mariia Novikova (2nd and 4th from left) were selected for SRK Fellowships in 2014.

2014 Outstanding Science Alumni Award, Penn State University

Eric Freed was selected by the Eberly College of Science to receive the 2014 Outstanding Science Alumni Award at Penn State University.  This award recognizes alumni who have a record of significant professional achievements in their field and are outstanding role models for the current students in the college.

Award for Outstanding Scientific Presentation, 9th International Retroviral Nucleocapsid Protein and Assembly Symposium

Philip Tedbury received an award for one of the best posters at the 2013 International Retroviral Nucleocapsid Protein and Assembly Symposium in Montreal, Canada.  His presentation on "Identification of a matrix mutation that globally rescues Env incorporation defects: implications for matrix structure and Env recruitment" highlighted the latest findings from his research project supported by an Intramural AIDS Research Fellowship.

Special Recognition as a Top Peer Reviewer for the Journal of Virology

In 2011, Eric Freed merited special recognition as one of the 25 top peer reviewers (among 1570 reviewers) for the Journal of Virology.  This recognition was based on his outstanding attention to a high number of manuscripts during the year, providing insightful reviews within an exceptionally short time frame.

2010 NCI Mentor of Merit Award

Eric Freed was selected as an NCI Mentor of Merit in 2010 for excellence in mentoring and guiding the careers of trainees in cancer research.  Dr. Freed was nominated by present and past trainees who view his mentorship as outstanding.  NCI Director Harold Varmus presented the Mentor of Merit citation to him at the NCI Director's Awards ceremony in November 2010.

2010 NCI Mentor of Merit Awardees

2010 Multi-Investigator Award Sponsored by Center for Cancer Research (CCR) and Office of AIDS Research (OAR)

In 2010, Eric Freed and Vineet KewalRamani of the HIV DRP, NCI-Frederick, and Sriram Subramaniam of the Laboratory of Cell Biology, NCI-Bethesda, successfully competed for a $150,000 CCR/OAR-sponsored multi-investigator award with their research proposal "Catching HIV in the act: Structural studies of HIV transport from antigen-presenting cells into the T-cell nucleus."  In total, four CCR/OAR-sponsored awards were made to 11 investigators within and between the Frederick and Bethesda campuses of the National Cancer Institute.

Young Investigator Award, 2008 International Feline Retrovirus Research Symposium

Benjamin Luttge was awarded the Young Investigator Award for his oral presentation at the 2008 International Feline Retrovirus Research Symposium in Vienna, Austria.

Travel Award, 2008 NCI-Frederick Spring Research Festival Symposium

Benjamin Luttge won a travel award for the best oral presentation at the 2008 NCI-Frederick Spring Research Festival Symposium on "Virology: from Genetic Vehicles to Human Pathogens."

2006 Travel Fellowship, HIV & Cancer Virology Faculty, Center for Cancer Research

In 2006, Catherine Adamson won one of the three available travel fellowships awarded by the HIV & Cancer Virology Faculty, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute.