
David Takeda, M.D., Ph.D.

David Takeda, M.D., Ph.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute
Lasker Clinical Research Scholar
Genitourinary Malignancies Branch
Head, Functional Genomics Section


Dr. Takeda’s research is focused on understanding the role of epigenetic reprogramming in disease progression by combining genomic and epigenomic profiling of patient samples with functional studies in model systems. Current areas of investigation include identifying noncoding drivers of castration-resistance in prostate cancer, interrogating regulatory elements using unbiased proteomic and genetic approaches, and therapeutic targeting of oncogenic transcriptional programs in genitourinary cancers.

Areas of Expertise

Functional Genomics


Selected Recent Publications

CRISPR screening identifies regulators of enhancer-mediated androgen receptor transcription in advanced prostate cancer

Xiang RR, Lee SA, Tyndall CF, Bhatia AR, Yin J, Singler C, Hauk BJ, Kipp MP, Takeda DY.
Cell Reports. 2025.
Full-Text Article
[ Journal Article ]

Plasma cell-free DNA chromatin immunoprecipitation profiling depicts phenotypic and clinical heterogeneity in advanced prostate cancer

Sipola J, Munzur AD, Kwan EM, Seo CY, Hauk BJ, Parekh K, Liao YJ, Bernales CQ, Donnellan G, Bloise I, Fung E, Ng SWS, Wang G, Vandekerkhove G, Nykter M, Annala M, Maurice-Dior C, Chi KN, Herberts C, Wyatt AW, Takeda DY
Cancer Research. 2024.
Full-Text Article
[ Journal Article ]

A somatically acquired enhancer of the androgen receptor is a noncoding driver in advanced prostate cancer

Takeda DY*, Spisak S*, Seo JH, Bell C, O’Conner E, Korthauer K, Ribli D, Csabai I, Solymosi N, Szallasi Z, Stillman DR, Cejas P, Qiu X, Long H, Tisza V, Nuzzo PV, Rohanizadegan M, Pomerantz MM, Hahn WC, Freedman ML. (*co-first author)
Cell. 174(2): 422-432, 2018. [ Journal Article ]

Genetic Determinants of chromatin reveal prostate cancer risk mediated by context-dependent gene regulation

Baca SC, Singler C, Zacharia S, Seo JH, Morova T, Hach F, Ding Y, Schwarz T, Flora Huang C, Anderson J, Fay AP, Kalita C, Groha S, Pomerantz MM, Wang V, Linder S, Sweeney CJ, Zwart W, Lack NA, Pasaniuc B, Takeda DY, Gusev A, Freedman ML.
Nature Genetics. 54(9): 1364-1375, 2022. [ Journal Article ]

Prostate cancer reactivates developmental epigenomic programs during metastatic progression

Pomerantz MM, Qiu X, Zhu Y, Takeda DY, Pan W, Baca SC, Gusev A, Korthauer KD, Severson TM, Ha G, Viswanathan SR, Seo JH, Nguyen HM, Zhang B, Pasaniuc B, Giambartolomei C, Alaiwi SA, Bell CA, O'Connor EP, Chabot MS, Stillman DR, Lis R, Font-Tello A, Li L, Cejas P, Bergman AM, Sanders J, van der Poel HG, Gayther SA, Lawrenson K, Fonseca MA, Reddy J, Corona RI, Martovetsky G, Egan B, Choueiri T, Ellis L, Garraway IP, Lee GM, Corey E, Long HW, Zwart W, Freedman ML
Nature Genetics. 52(8): 790-799, 2020. [ Journal Article ]

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Postdoctoral Fellow (CRTA)
Aleksandra Adamovich , Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Matan Arbel-Groissman, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Shin-Ai Lee, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Naimur Rahman, Ph.D.
Sonam Raj
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Sonam Raj, Ph.D.
Postbaccalaureate Fellow (CRTA)
Caroline Tyndall
Postbaccalaureate Fellow (CRTA)
Anusha Bhatia


Newest Lasker Scholars Ready to Make Their Mark

Congratulations to the investigators who recently joined the ranks of the Lasker Clinical Research Scholars Program, NIH’s collaborative effort with the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation to nurture the next generation of clinical researchers, including David Takeda, whose research focuses on treatment-resistant prostate cancer. Read More

Reprogramming Cancer

David Takeda, M.D., Ph.D. is laying the groundwork for a bold new approach to cancer therapy. He believes that manipulating epigenetics could also provide a powerful new pathway for combatting the disease. Instead of thinking about cancer in terms of the mutated genes that drive their abnormal growth and division, perhaps we can reprogram the cell’s state,” he explains. “A cancer cell is a cell that is no longer, say, a skin cell. It’s now a new type of cell that can grow unrestricted. Maybe we can epigenetically reprogram the cell and give it a set of instructions so that it turns into something else — something that you can treat. Read More