
Brandi Carofino profile photo

Brandi Carofino, Ph.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute
Technical Writer/Editor


Dr. Brandi Carofino is currently studying signaling pathways underpinning cancer progression. She utilizes primary mouse keratinocytes to model squamous cell carcinoma. By using this robust in vitro system, she works not only to define cell-autonomous oncogenic signaling, but also cross-talk with the microenvironment that influences the stromal compartment and immune cell recruitment. Her current project is focused on the role of a psoriasis-associated protein, S100A7A, in malignant progression. Previously, she defined the novel post-transcriptional regulation of CLIC4 by a microRNA, miR-142-3p.

In her Ph.D. research, Dr. Carofino developed mouse models for targeted overexpression of the epigenetic factor PRDM14. She found that overexpression of PRDM14 in hematopoietic stem cells caused lymphoid-biased differentiation and development of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, driven by aberrant RAG recombination at the Notch1 locus and truncated, ligand-independent NOTCH1 expression. While she performed her research within the Department of Molecular and Human Genetics at Baylor College of Medicine, she was enrolled in the interdisciplinary program in Translational Biology and Molecular Medicine. This program supported participation in clinical care, tumor boards, IRB committee meetings, and clinical research, and this foundation in translational science continues to influence Dr. Carofino's research at the National Cancer Institute.

Beyond bench research, Dr. Carofino serves as a Technical Writer/Editor within the Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics Office of the Chief. She assists with administrative activities, writing and editing of scientific manuscripts, management of several websites, and coordinating training activities for LCBG fellows. She was a member of the CCR Fellows and Young Investigators Steering Committee and served as the Senior Editor of the NIH Fellows Editorial Board during her postdoctoral training, and continues to have a strong interest in trainee development and advocacy.

Areas of Expertise

Mouse Models
Molecular Biology
Signal Transduction
Science Communication