Genitourinary Malignancies Center of Excellence
Genitourinary Malignancies Center of Excellence
The NCI Genitourinary Malignancies Center of Excellence (GUM-COE) brings together scientists studying genitourinary cancers (GU) from across NCI’s Center for Cancer Research (CCR), the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) as well as investigators who study GU malignancies in other institutes of the NIH. Our goal is to provide a centralized resource and infrastructure aimed at accelerating the discovery, development, and delivery of interventions for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of these cancers.
- Promote interaction and collaboration among investigators within the NCI, NIH, and extramurally
- Promote advances and opportunities for research in genitourinary cancers
- Leverage cutting-edge tools, approaches, and resources to advance findings as they apply to cancer research
- Train young investigators to address complex scientific questions through collaboration and multi-disciplinary approaches
Steering Committee
Vice Chair
Steering Committee
Seminar Series
Shuang (George) Zhao, M.D. (University of Wisconsin)
Virtual via WebEx
John Lee, M.D., Ph.D. (UCLA) (presented by CCR Grand Rounds)
Building 10, Lipsett Auditorium
Heather Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. (Fred Hutch) (presented by GMB)
Building 10, FAES 1&2
Suzanne Conzen, M.D. (UT Southwestern) (presented by CCR Grand Rounds)
Building 10, Lipsett Auditorium
GUM-COE participation is open to all NCI intramural staff who are interested in GU cancers.
Full membership, which includes a research listing on the GUM-COE website, is open to all CCR Principal Investigators, Senior Scientists/Clinicians, and PEIPs with active research programs in GU cancers. Fellows, trainees, and research biologists are welcomed as Associate Members.
To join, or to update your information on the membership page, please contact Adam Sowalsky (
Join the GUM-COE Listserv
The NCI-GUMCOE-ANNOUNCE mailing list is open to all scientists who are interested in GU cancers. Seminar announcements and journal club papers are routinely distributed via this official channel. To join this listserv, email Adam Sowalsky (