
Yinling  Hu, Ph.D.

Yinling Hu, Ph.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute
Senior Investigator
Cancer Innovation Laboratory
Head, Inflammation and Tumorigenesis Section


Dr. Hu's research focuses on understanding the physiological activities of IKKα in skin tumorigenesis and inflammation and in revealing the mechanisms by which IKKα regulates these functions by using genetic animal models, including IKKα conditional knockout, IKKα kinase inactive knockin and IKKα transgenic mice, as well as molecular biology approaches.

Areas of Expertise


Selected Key Publications

IKKα inactivation promotes Kras-initiated lung adenocarcinoma development through disrupting major redox regulatory pathways

Song NY, Zhu F, Wang Z, Willette-Brown J, Xi S, Sun Z, Su L, Wu X, Ma B, Nussinov R, Xia X, Schrump DS, Johnson PF, Karin M, Hu Y.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. [Epub ahead of print], 2018. [ Journal Article ]

Autoreactive T Cells and Chronic Fungal Infection Drive Esophageal Carcinogenesis

Zhu F, Willette-Brown J, Song NY, Lomada D, Song Y, Xue L, Gray Z, Zhao Z, Davis SR, Sun Z, Zhang P, Wu X, Zhan Q, Richie ER, Hu Y.
Cell Host Microbe. 21(4): 478-493.e7, 2017. [ Journal Article ]

An IKKα-nucleophosmin axis utilizes inflammatory signaling to promote genome integrity

Xia X, Liu S, Xiao Z, Zhu F, Song NY, Zhou M, Liu B, Shen J, Nagashima K, Veenstra TD, Burkett S, Datla M, Willette-Brown J, Shen H, Hu Y
Cell Rep. 5(5): 1243-55, 2013. [ Journal Article ]

The pivotal role of IKKα in the development of spontaneous lung squamous cell carcinomas

Xiao Z, Jiang Q, Willette-Brown J, Xi S, Zhu F, Burkett S, Back T, Song NY, Datla M, Sun Z, Goldszmid R, Lin F, Cohoon T, Pike K, Wu X, Schrump DS, Wong KK, Young HA, Trinchieri G, Wiltrout RH, Hu Y.
Cancer Cell. 23(4): 527-40, 2013. [ Journal Article ]

IKKalpha is required to maintain skin homeostasis and prevent skin cancer

Liu B, Xia X, Zhu F, Park E, Carbajal S, Kiguchi K, DiGiovanni J, Fischer SM, Hu Y.
Cancer Cell. 14(3): 212-25, 2008. [ Journal Article ]

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Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Gajendra Jogdand, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Xin Li , Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Deep Yadav, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Amit Kumar Singh, Ph.D.
Debra Tross
Staff Scientist
Feng Zhu, Ph.D.


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