
Jung-Eun  Park, Ph.D.

Jung-Eun Park, Ph.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute


Dr. Park's primary research interest lies in understanding the physiological functions of two functionally distinct mammalian polo-like kinases, Plk1 and Plk4, which appear to play key roles in mitotic progression and centriole duplication, respectively. Dr. Park is also interested in developing anti-Plk1 therapeutic agents by exploiting both potential leads from our own research and from the unique resources that NCI provides to the intramural community.

Areas of Expertise



Selected Publications

Centrosome amplification and aneuploidy driven by the HIV-1-induced Vpr•VprBP•Plk4 complex in CD4+ T cells

Park JE, Kim TS, Zeng Y, Mikolaj M, Ahn JI, Alam MS, Monnie CM, Shi V, Zhou M, Chun TW, Maldarelli F, Narayan K, Ashwell JD, Strebel K, Lee KS.
Nat. Comm. 15(1):2017, 2024. [ Journal Article ]
[ Journal Article ]

Specific inhibition of an anticancer target, polo-like kinase 1, by allosterically dismantling its mechanism of substrate recognition

Park JE, Kirsch K, Lee H, Oliva P, Ahn Jl, Ravishankar H, Zeng Y, Fox SD, Kirby SA, Badwar P, Andresson T, Jacobson KA, Lee KS
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 120(35): e2305037120. 2023.
Full-Text Article
[ Journal Article ]

Phase separation of Polo-like kinase 4 by autoactivation and clustering drives centriole biogenesis

Park JE, Zhang L, Bang JK, Andresson T, DiMaio F, Lee KS.
Nat Commun. 10(1): 4959, 2019. [ Journal Article ]

Molecular basis for unidirectional scaffold switching of human Plk4 in centriole biogenesis

Park SY*, Park JE*, Kim TS*, Kim JH*, Kwak MJ*, Ku B*, Tian L, Murugan RN, Ahn M, Komiya S, Hojo H, Kim NH, Kim BY, Bang JK, Erikson RL, Lee KW, Kim SJ, Oh BH, Yang W, Lee KS.
Nat. Struct. Mol. 21(8): 696-703, 2014. [ Journal Article ]

Serendipitous alkylation of a Plk1 ligand uncovers a new binding channel

Liu F*, Park JE*, Qian W, Lim D, Graber M, Berg T, Yaffe MB, Lee KS*, Burke TR*.
Nat. Chem. Biol. 7: 595-601, 2011. [ Journal Article ]