Gwendolyn Quinn

Photo of Gwendolyn Quinn
Primary Position
Livia Wan M.D. Endowed Chair and Professor OB-GYN Vice-Chair Research Professor Population Health, Center for Medical Ethics NYU School of Medicine
Job Responsibilities
Short Synopsis of Professional Interests
My research goals center on the need to understand the determinants of health behavior to improve health communication initiatives. The theme throughout my research has been the application of social marketing toward promotion of improved communication
Training Opportunities at Location
550 First Avenue NBV 9N1-C
NY, NY 10016
(646) 501-6878
Adolescent- young adul
quality of life
clinical trials
Publications of Interest

Block, R.G., Sampson, A., Gagliardi, J., Augusto, B., Santiago-Datil, W., Schabath, M.B., Vadaparampil, S.T. and Quinn, G.P., 2022. The LOvE ECHO Training: Developing a Web-Based LGBTQ Cultural Competency Training Module for Oncology Allied Health Professionals. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology.

Frederick, N.N., Klosky, J.L., Meacham, L.R., Quinn, G.P., Kelvin, J.F., Cherven, B., Freyer, D.R., Dvorak, C.C., Brackett, J., Ahmed-Winston, S. and Bryson, E., 2022. Infrastructure of Fertility Preservation Services for Pediatric Cancer Patients: A Report From the Children's Oncology Group. JCO Oncology Practice, 18(3), pp.e325-e333.

Moravek, M., Nahata, L., Hughes-Hogan, L., Weidenbaum, E. and Quinn, G.P., 2022. Psychosocial and Ethical Aspects of Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation in Children and Adults. In Principles and Practice of Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Transplantation (pp. 213-219). Elsevier.

Cherven, B., Sampson, A., Bober, S.L., Bingen, K., Frederick, N., Freyer, D.R. and Quinn, G.P., 2021. Sexual health among adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: a scoping review from the Children's Oncology Group Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Discipline Committee. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 71(3), pp.250-263.

Barrett, F., Sutter, M.E., Campo‐Engelstein, L., Sampson, A., Caplan, A., Lawrence, M., Vadaparampil, S.T. and Quinn, G.P., 2022. Perspectives surrounding fertility preservation and posthumous reproduction for adolescent and young adults with terminal cancer: Survey of allied health professionals. Cancer Medicine.