Sean Phipps

Primary Position
Chair, Department of Psychology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Job Responsibilities
Patient Care
Other Job Responsibilities
Short Synopsis of Professional Interests
At St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital his research interests include coping and adaptive styles in children facing serious illness, posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth in children with cancer and their parents;
Training Opportunities at Location
Member and Chair, Department of Psychology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospita
262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105-3678
901-595-6725 (Office) Fax: 901-595-4701
coping and adaptive styles
posttraumatic stress
posttraumatic growth
stem cell transplantation
personality factors/health/ill
Publications of Interest

Phipps S, Rai SN, Leung WH, Lensing S, Dunavant M. Cognitive and academic consequences of stem-cell tranplantation in children. J Clin Oncol, 2008; 26:2027-2033.

Jurbergs N, Long A, Ticona L, Phipps S. Symptoms of post-traumatic stress in parents of children with cancer: are they elevated relative to parents of healthy children? J Pediatr Psychol, 2009; 34(1):4-13. Epub 2007 Dec 11. PMCID: PMC2638717

hipps S, Jurbergs N, Long A. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress in childhood cancer survivors: Does personality trump health status? Psycho-Oncology, 2009; 18(9):992-1002. PMCID: PMC2735607

Currier JM, Hermes S, Phipps S. Children’s response to serious illness: perception of benefit and burden finding in a pediatric cancer population. J Pediatr Psychol, 2009; 34(10):1129-1134. Epub 2009 Apr 2. PMCID: PMC2782252 [Available on 2010/11/1]

Phipps S, Barrera M, Vannatta K, Xiong X, Huang Q, Doyle JJ, Alderfer MA. Complementary therapies for children undergoing stem cell transplant: report of a multisite trial. Cancer 2010; 116:3924-3923 [PMID:20626969]