Sunita Patel

Primary Position
Neuropsychologist, Director, Behavioral Research in Pediatrics. Departments of Population Sciences, Supportive Care Medicine, and Pediatrics
Job Responsibilities
Patient Care
Short Synopsis of Professional Interests
Identification of biological and environmental factors which serve as either risk or protective factors for adverse neurocognitive and psychosocial sequelae in pediatric cancer patients and their families and behavioral interventions
Training Opportunities at Location
#173 Pop Sci, City of Hope Cancer Center, Duarte, CA. 91010
Caregiver distress
Cognitive Remediation
Neurocognitive late effects
family interventions
Publications of Interest

Patel, S. K., Mullins,W.,Turk, A., Kinjo, C., Sato, J. Distress screening, rater agreement, and services in pediatric onoclogy, Psycho-Oncology, 2011 Dec 20(12), 1324-33. Epub 2010 Oct 5

Patel, S. K., Mullins, WA., O’Neil, SH, Wilson, K.  Neuropsychological differences between survivors of supratentorial and infratentorial brain tumours.Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Research. 2011 Jan; 55(1). Epub 2010 Dec 1. 

Patel, S.K., Wong, A., Cuevas, M., Van Horn, H. Parenting stress and neurocognitive late effects in childhood cancer survivors.  Psycho-Oncology, 2013 Aug; 22(8):1774-82. doi: 10.1002/pon.3213. Epub 2012 Oct 25.

Patel, S.K., Lo, T. T., Dennis, J.M., Bhatia, S. Neurocognitive and Behavioral Outcomes in Latino Childhood Cancer Survivors. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2013 Oct; 60(10):1696-702. doi: 10.1002/pbc.24608.Epub 2013 Jun 3.

Patel SK, Ross P, Cuevas M, Turk A, Kim H, Lo TT, Wong LF. Bhatia, S. Parent Directed Intervention for Children With Cancer-Related Neurobehavioral LateEffects: A Randomized Pilot Study. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 2014.  Epub  2014 Jun