Barbara Jones
Jones, B., Parker-Raley, J., Barczyk, A. (2011). Adolescent cancer survivors: Identity paradox and the need to belong. Qualitative Health Research. Doi 10.1177/1049732311404029
Jones, B., Parker-Raley, J., Maxson, T., Brown, C. (2011). Understanding healthcare professionals views of family presence during pediatric resuscitation: Implications for family-centered care. American Journal of Critical Care.
Jones, B., Volker, D., Vinajeras, Y., Butros, L., Fitchpatrick, C., Rosetto, K. (2010). The meaning of surviving cancer for Latino adolescents and emerging young adults. Cancer Nursing: An International Journal for Cancer Care. 33 (1). PMID 19926975
Jones, B., Parker-Raley, J., Higgerson, R., Christie, L, Legett, S. & Greathouse, J. (2008). Finding the right words: The use of Allow Natural Death (AND) and DNR in pediatric palliative care. Journal of Healthcare Quality. 30 (5) 55-63.
Jones, B. (2006). Companionship, control and compassion: A social work perspective on the needs of children with cancer and their families at the end of life. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 9(3). 774-788.