Savita Goswami

Jalali R, Goswami S, Sarin R, More N, Sidda M, Kamble R, Neuropsychological status in children and young adults with benign and low grade brain tumors treated prospectively with focal Stereotectic Conformal Radiotherapy- Int.J. Radiation Oncology Biol Phys, Vol, 63, No-2, 2005.
Jalali R, Goswami S, More N, Sarin R, Siddha M, Kamble R, Parab S. "Maintenance of neuropsychological function in children with benign and low grade tumors treated with high-precision focal conformal radiotherapy."- NeuroOncoloy 2005.
Jalali R, Goswami S, Sarin R More N, Siddha M, Kamble R, Neuropsychological status in children and young adults with benign and low-grade brain tumors treated prospectively with focal stereotactic conformal radiotherapy. Medical Image Analysis, Vol 66, Issue-4, Nov 2006
R Jalali, S Goswami, R Develekar and K Dinshaw. Animation film as a vehicle for cancer information programme in children undergoing cancer treatment. Pediatric Blood Cancer 2007, Vol- 49 (4) Oct
P. Kurkure, S. Achrekar, N. Dalvi and S.Goswami Childhood cancer survivors- living beyond cure - Published by Indian Journal of Pediatrics- 2005, New Delhi, India.