Mohammad ElShami
The stigma towards mental illness, Lap publication, Germany, 2013.
Pediatric Palliative Care: Global Perspectives. Knapp, C., Fowler-Kerry, S., Madden, V., eds. chapter of Pediatric Palliative Care in the Middle East, Michael Silbermann, Maha Arnaout, Hany Abdel Rahman, Mohamed Sedky, Mohammad El-Shami, Myriam Ben-Arush, Salma Al-Hadad, Huda Abu-Saad Huijer, Barbara Pitsillides, Nurdan Tacyildiz, Aziza Shad, Reda Rizkallah, and Shamvil Ashraf, In: Springer Science, pp. 127-159. 2012.
Multidisciplinary care team for cancer patients and its implementation in several Middle Eastern countries Silbermann M, Pitsillides B, Al-Alfi N, Omran S, Al-Jabri K, Elshamy K, Ghrayeb I, Livneh J, Daher M, Charalambous H, Jafferri A, Fink R, El-Shami M., Annals of Oncology, Oct 24 Supplement 7:vii41-47, 2013.
The attitude of first and sixth year medical students in Cairo University towards psychiatry, Dalal A, ElShami M, The Arab Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 22 No. 2, 2011.
Can We Overcome the Effect of Conflicts in Rendering Palliative Care? Silbermann M, Khleif A, Tuncer M, Pitsillides B, Shad A, Oberman A, Elshami M, Gultekin M, Daher M, Tarawneh M, Harford J., current oncology reports, Aug;13(4):302-7, 2011.