Bonnie Carlson-Green

Photo of Bonnie Carlson-Green
Primary Position
Pediatric Neuropsychologist
Job Responsibilities
Patient Care
Short Synopsis of Professional Interests
Dr. Carlson-Green is a pediatric neuropsychologist at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
Training Opportunities at Location
Children’s Hospitals & Clinics of Minnesota
360 Sherman Street, Ste 200, MS 62-200
St Paul, MN 55102
Childhood cancer
neurocognitive late effects
educ./vocational training
parent advocacy
Publications of Interest

Kunin-Batson A, Klosky J, Carlson-Green BL, Brinkman TM. (2021).  Health Behaviors and Neurocognitive Function in Survivors of Childhood Cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology 39:16, 1786-1794.

Ali JS, Ashford JM, Swain MA, Harder LL, Carlson-Green, BL, Miller JM, Wallace J, Kaner RJ, Billups CA, Onar-Thomas A, Merchant TE, Gajjar A & Conklin HM (2021, in press).  Predictors of cognitive performance among infants treated for brain tumors: Findings from a multi-site, prospective, longitudinal trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Strauser DR, Iwagana K, Chan F, Tansey TN, Carlson-Green B, Greco C & Wagner S. (2019).  Impact of self-management and functioning on the career development of young adult CNS survivors.   Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 51 (3), 409-418. 

Carlson-Green B, Puig J, Bendel A (2016).  Feasibility and Efficacy of an Extended Trial of Home-Based Working Memory Training for Pediatric Brain Tumor Survivors: A Pilot Study. Neuro-Oncology Practice; doi: 10.1093/nop/npw015.

Carlson-Green,  B.  (2009).  Brain tumor survivors speak out.  Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing (Special issue: Pediatric Cancer Survivorship), 26 (5) 266-279.