
Information for Siblings

Sibling Resources

  •  Siblings Information Network 
    • (1-860) 344-7500 (US)

Sibling Modules and Workshops

Sibshops are interactive workshops for siblings of children with special needs. The workshops focus on peer support and celebrate the contributions of brothers and sisters.


  • Shop Talk Game for Siblings by Lori Wiener, Ph.D.
  • Email:

Journals and Workbooks

Brothers and Sisters Together: A workbook for siblings of siblings who are sick

by Lori Wiener


  • When Your Brother or Sister Has Cancer
  • Childhood Cancer: A Parent's Guide to Solid Tumor Cancers, 2nd Edition (2002) by Honna Janes-Hodder and Nancy Keene (ISBN# 0596500149)
    • Section on helping siblings cope
  • Dealing with your brother or sister’s cancer 
  • Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie (2006) by Jordan Sonnenblick (ISBN # 9780439755207)
    • International award-winning book depicting the sibling journey
  • Shadows in the Sun: The Experiences of Sibling Bereavement in Childhood (Series in Death, Dying and Bereavement) by Betty Davies (ISBN# 0876309112) 1998
  • SuperSibs! Parent Guide for Siblings of Children with Cancer available via
  • What About Me?: When Brothers and Sisters Get Sick, by Allan Peterkin (ISBN # 0945354495) 1992



  •  an Australian charity providing youth-friendly information to help adolescents and young adults cope when their brother or sister has cancer. 


  • Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) recognizes that childhood cancer affects the whole family, not only the child who receives the diagnosis. SuperSibs is dedicated to comforting, encouraging and empowering siblings of children with cancer, so they can face the future with courage and hope. Our Comfort and Care mailing program sends age-appropriate mailings over a two-year period that include coping skills and encouragement for siblings as their brother or sister fights cancer. This program can go a long way towards helping siblings find their footing in a new normal and thrive in the future
  • YouTube channel: @alexslemonade
  • Facebook handle: @SuperSibsALSF

Starbright World

  • Starbright World is part of the Starlight Children’s Foundation. It is an online social network for teens with chronic and life-threatening illness and their siblings.


  • KIDSCOPE, INC. is a non-profit organization that aims to help children and families cope with having a family member or loved one with cancer. Ultimately, the organization’s resources allow children to better understanding cancer from their point of view.



DISCLAIMER - While we tried to include potentially useful resources, this website is not exhaustive. New and additional resources may be available. Please let us know if there is a resource you would like to be included