User Policy/Access
The high field spectrometers (850, 800, 700, 600) are dedicated to research projects conducted by laboratories within Center for Structural Biology. The fully automated 500 MHz spectrometer designated as an “open access” instrument available to all of the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) community.
- Bruker Avance III four channel console
- Bruker Ascend 850 pumped 2K magnet
- Four channel inverse detection H/C/N/D helium cooled cryoprobe
- Bruker Avance III-HD four channel console
- Oxford Instruments 800 62mm bore pumped 2K, unshielded magnet
- Four channel inverse detection H-F/C/N/D helium cooled cryoprobe
- Bruker Avance III four channel console
- Bruker Ultrashield Plus 700 magnet
- Four channel inverse detection H/C/N/D helium cooled cryoprobe
- Bruker Avance III four channel console
- Bruker Ultrashield Plus 600 magnet
- Four channel inverse detection H/C/N/D helium cooled cryoprobe
- Bruker Avance III four channel console with high power 1H channel for solids
- Bruker/Magnex 600 Ultrahield magnet
- Four channel inverse detection H/C/N/D nitrogen cooled cryoprobe,
- Phoenix NMR MAS NMR solids probe with 1.6mm, 40 KHz rotor
- Doty static sample NMR solids probe, 5 mm, N14-P31 observe with 1H decouple
- Bruker Avance III_HD four channel console,
- Oxford Instruments AS500 magnet
- Dual channel X/H-F nitrogen cooled cryoprobe
- Sample Case 24-slot sample changer