Biophysics Resource: Policy Statement

For users of the Biophysics Resource (BR) in the Center for Structural Bioilogy:

A. The Biophysics Resource (BR) in the Center for Structural Biology provides biophysical instrumentation and needed assistance for users from the Center for Cancer Research (CCR), NCI. The BR is an open, shared-use facility and does not provide or perform drop-off service or support. Users must learn to operate the instruments and conduct their own experiments. After paying a one-time fee per Principal Investigator (PI) group, all group members can have unlimited access to all technologies during the current fiscal period. The BR will provide the necessary consumable supplies; however, frequent users may be advised to provide certain accessories (e.g., spectroscopic cells, HPLC vials, switchSENSE biochips, MST and DSF capillaries). The access mode for each instrument is determined by BR personnel.

Experimental TechnologyInstrumentUser Access
Circular Dichroism SpectroscopyJ-1500 CD Spectrophotometer (Jasco)Any user after instruction ("walk-up")
Steady-State and Time-Resolved Fluorescence SpectroscopyFluoroMax-4C Fluorometer (HORIBA Scientific)Any user after instruction ("walk-up")
Isothermal Titration CalorimetryiTC200  Isothermal Titration Calorimeter (MicroCal)Trained users or BR personnel w/collaboration
Differential Scanning FluorimetryDifferential Scanning Fluorimeter Prometheus NT.48 (Nanotemper)Any user after instruction ("walk-up")
LC-MS/MS Mass SpectrometryAgilent 6520 Series Accurate-Mass Quadrupole Time-of-Flight LC/MS/MS System (Agilent Technologies)Trained users or BR personnel w/collaboration
HPLC-Electrospray Mass SpectrometryAgilent 6130B Quadrupole LC/MS (Agilent Technologies)Trained users
Dynamic Light ScatteringDynaPro NanoStar Light Scattering Instrument (Wyatt Technology)Trained users 
Microscale ThermophoresisMonolith NT.115 (NanoTemper Technologies)Any user after instruction
UV-Vis SpectrophotometryLambda 465 (PerkinElmer)Any user after instruction ("walk-up")
switchSENSE technologyDRX2 (Dynamic Biosensors)Trained users
Mass PhotometryTwoMP (Refeyn)Any user after instruction ("walk-up")

B. Upon submitting a New User Registration form, the user acknowledges that the project is authorized by his/her Principal Investigator and accepts the terms and conditions of this statement.

C. To sign up to use the BR instrumentation, please check the online Instrument Schedules and follow the instructions posted there. If preliminary discussion of the scientific problem or training is required, contact Dr. Sergey Tarasov by e-mail at or by phone/voice-mail at 301-846-1223. Please, notify BR personnel if you need to cancel or postpone a previously arranged appointment. Any instrumentation session not started within 15 minutes after the scheduled start time is subject to cancellation.

D. Access to the BR facility (bldg: 538, room: 111) is controlled via electronic PIV-card or digital code-locked doors. User’s PIV cards will be enabled for access during the entire period of the ongoing study. The regular business hours of the Biophysics Resource are: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM. For extended hours, contact Dr. Tarasov.

E. If necessary, a free-of-charge brief trial study may be performed prior to the payment of a group access fee. The goal of this study will be to determine the applicability of certain technology to the scientific problem under investigation. The length of this study will be determined on case-to-case basis.

F. For walk-up instruments, experiments will be performed by users after the basic training. The BR staff will provide technical assistance to the extent required. In this case, co-authorship of any resulting publication is not generally required. However, users are requested to acknowledge the BR in resulting publications and presentations and inform BR personnel about these publications/presentations. This request is valid even if the data were not directly reported but served just for auxiliary purposes (biomolecular mass/size characterization, detecting aggregation, etc.).

G. Scientific assistance in experimental design, experimental work, data treatment, and interpretation of results can be provided by BR personnel on a COLLABORATIVE basis.

H. Users must follow all NCI at Frederick Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Program regulations. The experiments should be performed in strict accordance with BR instrumentation manuals and BR personnel assignments. Users cannot make any hardware or software modifications without BR personnel permission. Users are responsible for exact and on-time filing of their instrument use in corresponding BR logbooks.

The instrumentation and working areas must be kept clean.

Issued: 01/10/2001

Modified: 05/09/2024