
Office of Healthcare Delivery and Collaborative Engagement


The Office of Healthcare Delivery and Collaborative Engagement (HDCE) supports CCR clinical research teams in making their studies more inclusive and their engagements with partners more effective. The HDCE’s initiatives aim to improve patient experience, reduce barriers to participating in clinical trials and increase access, reach and participant representation in NCI’s intramural clinical research program by leveraging the NCI’s extensive community-based cancer research partnerships. The HDCE contributes to NCI’s efforts to ensure that clinical trials are accessible and benefit all populations

We recognize that overcoming barriers to clinical trials participation among populations underrepresented in clinical research and/or experience health disparities will require intentional efforts, meaningful engagement and collaboration. As CCR  seeks to deliver the highest quality care for all patients with respect, compassion and dedication, HDCE will focus on three strategic priority areas: data-driven practices, meaningful partner engagement, and the implementation of evidence-informed practices, to increase participant representation and inclusion in cancer clinical trials.  


Associate Director

Associate Director
Brenda Adjei, Ed.D., M.P.A.

Program Staff

Health Science Program Analyst
Katrina Makres, M.P.H.
Clinical Trials Engagement Program Manager
Melayshia McFadden, Ph.D., M.S.C.R.


2024 SPEAKER SERIES: “The Role of Patient Advocates in Advancing Clinical Research”

The Center for Cancer Research’s (CCR) Office of Healthcare Delivery and Collaborative Engagement (HDCE) is launching a three-part webinar series to highlight the role of patient advocacy and engagement in advancing clinical research. Engaging patient advocates in clinical trials can contribute to and enhance the quality of clinical trials by identifying ways to reduce access barriers, promote participation as well as address issues salient to clinical trial participants.

Katie Coleman

Patients As Partners

Monday, September 16, 2024, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Katie Coleman, Patient Advocate, will discuss her experience as an oncology patient, her journey to advocacy, and her engagement in clinical cancer research.  Her presentation will highlight the opportunities for patient engagement, use of social media, and sharing one’s perspectives for the benefit of future patients.  

Watch video

Wenora Johnson

The Importance of Patient Advocates in Research and Clinical Trials

Monday, August 19, 2024, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Wenora Johnson, patient/research advocate, will discuss her journey, perspective, and experience as an oncology patient advocate and lived-experience expert. Her presentation will highlight opportunities to engage patient advocates as an integral part of successful clinical research.