CCR Milestones - Highlights 2022-2023

Contents 08 Immunology: How T Cells See the World 06 Tumor Metastasis: The Kiss of the Macrophage 02 Tumor Classification: Diving Below the Surface of Meningiomas 01 Director’s Note 10 Immunotherapy: A Red Flag for Immunotherapy 12 Health Disparities: Bridging the Health Disparities Gap 20 Health Disparities: A Cancer Therapy for Everyone 18 Structural Biology: Seeing a Shape-Shifting Cancer Culprit 14 Immunotherapy: Predicting Resilience 22 New Faculty 16 Immunotherapy: Narrowing the Search 26 Awards & Honors 04 Precision Oncology: Phoenix Rises 33 CCR by the Numbers 34 CCR Resources