CCR Milestones - Highlights 2022-2023

Awards & Honors 32 33 These awards provide resources and recognition to our staff and fellows for their crucial contributions and dedication to cancer research. CCR Excellence in Postdoctoral Research Transition Award Recognizes exceptional CCR postdoctoral fellows and facilitates their transition to an independent research position at an academic institution: Yihan Wan, Ph.D., Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression Scott Wilkinson, Ph.D., Laboratory of Genitourinary Cancer Pathogenesis CCR Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award Recognizes outstanding Ph.D. students who conducted part or all of their thesis research at CCR: Laura Chopp, University of Pennsylvania Graduate Partnership Program, Laboratory of Immune Cell Biology Farid Rashidi Mehrabadi, Indiana University Graduate Partnership Program, Cancer Data Science Laboratory Staff Scientist/Staff Clinician Scientific Achievement Award For outstanding and novel research which has led to important contributions to the fields of basic, clinical or translational cancer research, technology development, computational biology or patient treatment: Amiran K. Dzutsev, M.D., Ph.D., Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology Staff Scientist/Staff Clinician Leadership Merit Award In recognition of outstanding creativity and leadership in conducting any aspect of cancer research and patient care: Pamela L. Wolters, Ph.D., Pediatric Oncology Branch Marta Penas-Prado, M.D., M.Sc., Neuro-Oncology Branch Staff Scientist/Staff Clinician Outstanding Mentor Award For exceptional dedication and commitment to the mentoring of junior physicians: Orieta Celiku, Ph.D., Neuro-Oncology Branch CCR Research Recognition Awards CCR by the Numbers The NCI Technology Transfer Center (TTC) works to enable and guide collaboration, invention development and licensing to advance today’s discoveries into tomorrow’s medical care. The TTC supports technology development activities for NCI in therapeutics, diagnostics, research tools, vaccines, devices, software and facilitates partnerships with outside organizations so that NCI discoveries can reach the public in a timely manner. For information on licensing and co-development opportunities, contact the TTC Invention Development and Marketing Unit ( Technology Transfer Activities 63 New Employee Invention Reports 42 Issued U.S. Patents 29 New Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) 184 Active CRADAs 85 Clinical CRADAs 7 Umbrella CRADAs 12 New Clinical Trial Agreements (CTAs) 113 Active CTAs 120 New Licenses for CCR Technologies 668 Active Licenses 346 Open Clinical Trials 42 New Clinical Trials 1,496 New Patients 245 Principal Investigators 18 New Faculty Recruits* 3 Newly Tenured Investigators* 281/70 Staff Scientists/ Staff Clinicians ~500 Technical Lab Staff 697/118 Postdoctoral/ Clinical Fellows 338/72 Postbaccalaureate/ Predoctoral Students 162 Summer Students >1,100 Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals 64 Technology Facilities and Platforms Numbers are for FY22 unless otherwise marked. *Numbers are for calendar year 2022. continued