CCR Milestones - Highlights 2021-2022

Cover 1
Table of Contents 4
Director's Note 4
A New Application for an Old Medicine 6
A Real GEMy of a Cancer Treatment 8
Decades in the Making 10
Boosted by Bacteria 12
One-Two Punch for Cancer 14
CAR T Cells for Solid Tumors 16
Good for Bladder Cancer, Better for Kidney Cancer 18
Why Age is an Advantage 20
Deciphering DNA Clues 22
Protection Strategy 24
Reining in Rogue Immune Cells 26
Gelling Together Against Cancer 28
Divide and Conquer 30
Better Microbes, Better Immunotherapy 32
New Faculty 34
Awards & Honors 38
CCR by the Numbers 42
CCR Resources 42