CCR Milestones - Highlights 2021-2022

CCR by the Numbers 63 New Employee Invention Reports 52 Issued U.S. Patents 21 New Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) 9 New Clinical CRADAs 171 Active CRADAs 84 Clinical CRADAs 6 Umbrella CRADAs 24 New Clinical Trial Agreements (CTAs) 105 Active CTAs 102 New Licenses for CCR Technologies 655 Active Licenses 4 FDA Approvals 1 FDA Orphan Drug Designation The NCI Technology Transfer Center (TTC) works to enable and guide collaboration, invention development and licensing to advance today’s discoveries into tomorrow’s medical care. The TTC supports technology development activities for NCI in therapeutics, diagnostics, research tools, vaccines, devices, software and facilitates partnerships with outside organizations so that NCI discoveries can reach the public in a timely manner. For information on licensing and co-development opportunities, contact the TTC Invention Development and Marketing Unit ( Numbers are for FY21. Technology Transfer Activities 333 Open Clinical Trials 57 New Clinical Trials 1,351 New Patients 239 Principal Investigators 8 New Faculty Recruits 3 Newly Tenured Investigators 303 Staff Scientists/ Staff Clinicians 480 Technical Lab Staff 773 Postdoctoral/ Clinical Fellows 401 Postbaccalaureate/ Predoctoral Students >1,100 Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals 52 Technology Facilities and Platforms >50 COVID-19 Projects >140 COVID-19 Publications 38