CCR Milestones - Highlights 2021-2022

Contents 08 Microbiome: Boosted by Bacteria 06 FDA Approval: Decades in the Making 02 Health Disparities: A New Application for an Old Medicine 01 Director’s Note 10 Precision Oncology: One-Two Punch for Cancer 12 Immunotherapy: CAR T Cells for Solid Tumors 20 Cell Biology: Protection Strategy 18 Childhood Cancers: Deciphering DNA Clues 14 Kidney Cancer: Good for Bladder Cancer, Better for Kidney Cancer 22 FDA Approval: Reining in Rogue Immune Cells 16 Breast Cancer: Why Age Is an Advantage 24 Technology Development: Gelling Together Against Cancer 04 Tumor Metastasis: A Real GEMy of a Cancer Treatment 26 Precision Oncology: Divide and Conquer New Faculty 30 34 Awards & Honors CCR by the Numbers 38 CCR Resources 39 28 Microbiome: Better Microbes, Better Immunotherapy