CCR Milestones - 2021

Kandice Tanner, Ph.D. Kandice Tanner, Ph.D., has been awarded tenure at NIH and appointed to Senior Investigator in the Laboratory of Cell Biology. Dr. Tanner’s research focuses on under- standing the metastatic traits that allow tumor cells to colonize secondary organs. Christopher J. Westlake, Ph.D. Christopher J. Westlake, Ph.D., has been awarded tenure at NIH and appointed to Senior Investigator in the Laboratory of Cell and Developmental Signaling. Dr. Westlake studies membrane trafficking pathways important in ciliopathy, which are diseases linked to primary cilia dysfunction and cancer. Matthew T. Wolf, Ph.D. Matthew T. Wolf, Ph.D., has joined the Laboratory of Cancer Immunometabolism as a Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigator. He studies immunomodulatory biomaterials to augment cancer immunotherapy. Colin C.C. Wu, Ph.D. Colin C.C. Wu, Ph.D., has joined the RNA Biology Laboratory as a Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigator. His research explores the role of the ribosome in stress response signaling pathways and translational regulation to collect insights that can be used to guide the prevention and treatment of human diseases. Ryan Young, Ph.D. Ryan Young, Ph.D., has joined the Lymphoid Malignancies Branch as a Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigator. He uses proteogenomic technologies to elucidate novel modes of pathogenic signaling in multiple myeloma and lymphoma. 29